Prenatal Pilates Classes

So glad you are interested in FIT4BABY, we look forward to connecting with you!

FIT4BABY is a total body workout designed exclusively for moms-to-be. You can begin FIT4BABY at any point during pregnancy. Ready to join us mama? Just fill out the form below so we can set you up with your FREE class.

Prenatal Fit4Baby® is a prenatal fitness class designed to strengthen the body for all the changes it will experience during pregnancy, delivery and beyond. Classes are interval-based, combining elements of strength training, cardio and stretching/balancing exercises as well as deepening the connection between mom and baby. Modifications are available to increase or decrease the intensity and impact of all exercises- making this a safe and effective workout for moms of all fitness levels.

Pregnancy is the perfect time to commit to you and your baby's health!

  •  Prenatal Pilates Classes